Proven and Tested Digital Marketing Strategies for SMEs

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Many entrepreneurs are struggling to keep their businesses afloat. These days, competition has become fiercer since most businesses are now tapping on the power of the Internet to gain new customers. The Internet allows businesses to reach a wider customer base with just a few clicks, but with millions of businesses doing almost the same thing, it has become harder to get a share of the market even online.   Fortunately, there are still ways to get on top of the competition and gain a chunk of the market even if the competition is getting extremely tough. Below are some proven and tested digital marketing strategies that can be used by small business enterprises to boost their brand and gain more customers.

Social Media Marketing

Small, medium, and big enterprises make use of social media marketing to build their brands, drive traffic to their websites, connect with their markets, and increase their sales. Social media marketing is an economical way to market businesses. It is also one of the most effective. It has helped businesses across all industries including healthcare. Social media helps raise awareness in the easiest and quickest way possible. It has also helped connect customers to the right providers.

For instance, people in need of mobile integrated healthcare intervention or MIH can easily find out if there is a certain service offered in their area by just checking through their social media accounts. On the other hand, businesses offering this type of service can just post on their social media pages about the service they offer. The fact that businesses and customers can easily connect with each other on social media platforms make social media marketing an effective and affordable way to market any type of business.


blog posting

Many businesses might forego the idea of publishing blogs to grow their online presence, but this is actually an effective way to grow a business following and earn consumer trust. Businesses that produce blogs or content that help people understand some of the things that they are not so familiar with are more likely to gain the trust of customers than those who don’t. They are also more likely to gain huge sales.

Email Marketing

Despite the fact that many new marketing strategies have come to rise in popularity in the past few years, email marketing still remains one of the most effective. Email marketing allows businesses to send personalized emails to would-be customers. It provides them the ability to send prospective customers valuable information relevant to their needs.

Email marketing allows customers to either subscribe or unsubscribe to any marketing campaign of the company, so it does not necessarily invade a customer’s privacy. To make email marketing work, businesses should make sure to send only highly informative content and to refrain from spamming. The goal should always be to engage the customers and to attract their interest in the business or brand.

Paid Search

This type of marketing strategy works best for businesses that have enough funds to propel their advertising campaigns. Small businesses with a low budget can also use this marketing strategy. The key to making this marketing strategy effective is to use the right tools and the right keywords in the marketing campaigns. Paid search advertising platforms, such as Google Adwords, provide businesses the needed tools to make their marketing campaigns a success as long as they have the right budget. Businesses may also get the most ROI out of this marketing strategy if they work with a professional digital marketing specialist who knows the ins and outs of this type of marketing method.


This method puts businesses in the way of customers who show interest in a particular product or brand. The purpose of this method is to repeatedly advertise the products or services to people who are likely to have an interest in purchasing the products or services. Remarketing works together with Facebook, Google, and other platforms for it to work. The process of remarketing allows a business campaign to be shown or advertised repeatedly on a person’s timeline on Facebook, Twitter, Google, or other social media sites until a person gains interest in the brand and decides to make a purchase.

Organic search can lead to the success of any online marketing campaign, but businesses can always choose to pay for advertisements to gain more ROI for their marketing initiatives. Small businesses can use their existing marketing strategy in conjunction with any or all of these marketing strategies to get better results.  They can also use marketing automation software to make their campaigns better and to gain more positive results. Automation software helps companies to market their products or services without spending too much time planning and executing certain marketing strategies.

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